Friday, March 27, 2020

Round the Clock

There is a pattern to my days. I wake feeling excited and optimistic for all that I will accomplish. I enjoy my coffee, walk the dog, and settle down to connect remotely with my students and then the world. A couple hours later, I'm all caught up-- emails answered, assignments commented on, crossword done, words with friends played, devastating news reports read and digested. And then I feel at loose ends. Some exercise, inside or out, helps a bit, and so does the ukulele, the meditation, the sit ups, and the writing. But I am restless, and all the uncertainties and fears of these difficult times begin to creep in. And it's not until the sun sets, and I am cooking dinner, and looking forward to watching something on TV (just like we did before) that I feel regular again. And a little while later? It's time to get some sleep, so that I'm ready for another day.


  1. Sounds like the afternoon doldrums. Have you thought of having a tea time, then? :-)

  2. So relatable. It’s really good to write these thoughts out and even better to have a forum like this to share on. I’m glad you did and I wish you (and all of us) luck on getting back to some version of normal!

  3. This is exactly how I felt today. I have a ton of things I could be getting done around my house after I finish with my students for the day, but I just can't get started. You captured it perfectly.

  4. I like that you HAVE a routine, and that you walked us through it like this. Further to River's comment, above, maybe Zoom tea time with your siblings or in-laws?
