Monday, August 22, 2022


My yoga teacher advises us frequently to be mindful of our prana. It's not just your breath, she reminds us, it's anything you take in to your body. She's right of course. Watching what you eat and drink can have an obvious effect on health and well-being, but the other things we consume? Their impact may not be quite so pronounced.

Take media, for example. Half a century ago society was concerned that the boob tube was making our children into catatonic idiots. These days our focus is, rightfully, on social media and disinformation. And anyone who has had a nightmare after seeing a scary movie knows the potential disruption such fabrications can cause. It is wise to be conscious of what you consume.

I understood this concept even before I started practicing yoga. In 2017, I stopped setting my alarm to news radio. Where for 30 years before I started my day with a couple of hours of current events, I opted for silence, choosing to curate my news consumption a bit more closely by reading online papers and listening to features on demand. I just couldn't take the coverage of the present political state of affairs.

That's why I should have known better than to listen to an entire podcast about the Jonestown Massacre. Although considering the dangers of a charismatic leader is not a bad idea, hearing the details of the situation that led to the deaths of over 900 people was not a good idea, especially since I wrapped it up right before I couldn't go to sleep.

And when I did doze off, visions of restrictive communities danced in my head all night long, leaving me groggy and unrested this morning. And when I set my intention for the day? You can bet it was to clear my mind.

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