Monday, August 29, 2022

Court Orders

It was ninety degrees at 2 PM yesterday when we set out to meet some friends at the tennis courts near their home. I was sure it was going to be too hot, but the courts were partially shaded, and the sun went in and out of the big puffy cumulous clouds, and there was a bit of a breeze, too. 

We were there to participate in what one of our friends called Pickle Smash 2022, but was in reality the first time most of us had ever taken the court to play America's fastest growing sport, PICKLEBALL! And friends, it did not disappoint. 

The game is sort of like giant ping pong, with players standing on the table. The court is small, so the game is accessible to players of many fitness and skill levels.The rules are kind of a mash up between table tennis and racquetball: games are played to eleven, you have to win by 2 points, the service must alternate courts, and you can only score points on your serve. The ball is not super bouncy, though, in that respect it's a bit like squash.

The six of us played several games of doubles, with the off team taking care of our friends' baby. The heat was not a factor, and it was win-win-win, even when we lost. 

I can't wait to play some more!

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