Thursday, August 11, 2022

Of Apples, Early Birds, and Worms

It's hard to believe that at this time next week, we will have completed our first day back at school. Teachers report next Thursday, even though the first day for students is not until a week from the following Monday. 

29 years ago, when I first started teaching, our preservice week was just that: we started the Monday before Labor Day and the kids came the Tuesday after that holiday. We weren't required to work on Friday of that weekend, either, but I usually did. Back then there never seemed like quite enough time to get ready, but maybe that was just me feeling unprepared.

Now, I can't decide if I think making us come back on Thursday and Friday is an act of kindness, or an act of unnecessary authority. Sure, there's plenty to accomplish in those seven work days before instruction begins, but there's also a lot of time to get it all done. Add to that an earlier opening date for students, for the past couple years, they have started the Monday before Labor Day, and it just kind of seems like my summer has been short-changed. 

But as early as August 18 seems to me, our first day is probably only going to get earlier for the next few years. We are scheduled to begin 18 days before Labor Day. This year, the holiday is September 5, but in 2025? If the pattern holds, they'll be calling teachers back on August 14!

I may just have to be enjoying my retirement by then.

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