Friday, May 29, 2020

Y is for You're Not from around Here, Are Ya?

I may not be able to identify all the trees or flowers I see when I'm out walking, (although I am working on it, thank you iNaturalist!) but I can name almost any bird I that catches my eye as it flits from perch to perch. I know what's common around here, and it's hard to get excited about robins, blue jays, mockingbirds, cardinals, sparrows, crows, grackles, starlings, house finch, mourning doves, pigeons, ducks, Canada geese. Sure, there's still a thrill when I spot an eagle, or even a hawk. Vultures? Creep me out; blue herons are cool.

And then there was the pale blue and green parakeet I spotted on a telephone wire tonight, still easy to identify, but so obviously out of place. Before I could pull out my phone to snap a photo, it few away with scissoring wings and tail, nothing like the flight of those local avians.

"He doesn't want to get caught!" Heidi said as I lowered my phone in disappointment.

"Free at last!" I agreed.

Life Lesson: "If you think happiness is a rare bird, you won't see much of it." ~Marty Rubin

1 comment:

  1. I hope that little guy can fend for himself, though I bet he’d agree with Marty Rubin.
