Saturday, May 9, 2020

E is for Exploring

We set out to the east this afternoon, over bridges and highways, past expensive homes and secret service details. The day was bright, but very cold, and a brisk wind nipped at our heels the whole way. There were a couple of wrong turns, but the error of our way was quickly corrected, and we found our destination without too much trouble. Down into the valley of a small spring-fed perennial stream we descended, through a tiny mixed hardwood forest. We followed the path through the nature preserve and out into the neighborhood on the other side. Then it was up Canyon Road, around Washington Circle, and over Mount Eagle to the Shirlington foot bridge over I-395.

We were never more than 2 1/2 miles from home, but it was still a pretty amazing adventure.

Life Lesson: "There is treasure everywhere." ~Calvin and Hobbes

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