Saturday, May 16, 2020

L is for Let it Go

It wasn't until mid-afternoon that I noticed something was wrong with my Apple Watch. I couldn't check my activity rings by tapping on the complication I conveniently placed at the bottom of the screen. So, I did what anyone would advise me to do: I restarted my watch.

Or, at least I tried. It took a couple of attempts to move the slider all the way over to the right. Once the dark screen was replaced by the glowing apple which was replaced by Mickey Mouse, I swiped down to put in my passcode. The first two numbers went in, but all the tapping in the world could not get my previously so reliable little device to unlock.

It soon became clear to me that the bottom of my screen was not working, and upon closer examination I gasped to discover that there was a thin crack running the right to left diagonal from top to bottom. There were a couple of small chips missing from the edges of the crystal as well. My watch was toast. A quick glance at the activity app on my phone showed that it had stopped tracking me when I restarted it, and so, there would be no more syncing of steps and stands and exercise, and the day would be a wash when it came to my fitness stats.

It took me a minute to figure out what that meant to me. Would my activity be that tree in an empty forest? Did I have permission to slack off until Monday, which was the soonest I could get a replacement? Was I doing whatever I was doing for me or for my watch? Upon answering that last question, I sighed and shrugged, determined to tough it out for 48 hours.

Life Lesson: "Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching." ~C.S. Lewis


  1. Such an apt quote for this unfortunate situation!

  2. If the Apple Watch didn't track it, did it really happen?! Sometimes it's good for us to reset our priorities by going without technology for short spans of time. Sorry for the hassle.
