Monday, May 18, 2020

N is for Not Fine, Thanks

Perhaps the best advice I've heard about coping with all the disruption and anxiety of social and physical distancing is to take some time to search your self and see what is working for you now that wasn't before. Without denying the hardship and loss of anyone else, I acknowledge that the pace of this life suits me. I can tell that fewer options, less time spent on shopping and other errands, and more sleep are good for me.

So if I could only set aside concern for the good and welfare of others, (a precept that is baked into my life's work), I might say that I was more than fine.

Life Lesson: Look at the big picture.


  1. You put this so well; there's no denying some of us are faring pretty well, aside from our concern for others. "...baked into my life's work" - great choice of words!

  2. I hear you. The extra sleep and the slower pace suit this household extremely well.
