Saturday, March 13, 2021

All in Good Time

I needed a key cut, some lightbulbs, and super glue, so yesterday afternoon I celebrated the end of the work week by heading out to the big box home improvement store right after school. On a Friday afternoon, the place was not crowded at all, and the unspoken promises of repair and improvement drew me up and down the aisles long after I'd found the items I came for. 

Eventually, I made my way out to the garden center and was surprised to find a wide selection of herbs and annuals. So many years the plants are pretty picked over by the time I get to shopping for them; I was tempted to fill my cart right then. The string of 70 degree days we have enjoyed this week made it seem like the time was right to plant the containers and hanging baskets that we enjoy so much in the warmer months of the year.

But I knew better: the danger of frost in these parts extends to mid-April, and starting things too early, no matter how much I wished it was a good idea, was not a risk I was willing to take.

Who knows what might be lost when I shop again in April? But it doesn’t matter— my baskets will be lovely, as they always are. 


  1. I would be SO tempted by those plants, too! I need to make myself a greenhouse so I can get a headstart with my plants.

  2. Yes, spring seems to be the best time of the year. So many promises. Maybe we will see pictures of what comes out of your garden?

  3. Your instinct was right on...a snowflake has made its appearance on my weather app for this week. Hold on a little longer! I have to admit, I fall victim to "the unspoken promises of repair and improvement" regularly. Love that line especially.

  4. Your excitement is contagious, and your wisdom is valued. I was almost going for my car keys to go grab some herbs and whatever else caught my eye; thankfully, you offered some sage (I need sage) advice at the end.
