Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Annual Event

As is my custom when the Academy Award nominations are announced, I printed out a list of Oscar nominees yesterday and began gleefully checking off any film or performance I had already seen. Truth be told? It was a paltry handful. Thank goodness for Nomadland, A Promising Young Woman, and Mulan; a little bit of girl power went a long way this year. (But definitely not as long as it should go.)

Scanning the very few checked boxes, I started to scold myself a bit. In any other year, I chided, thinking of all the movies I would have seen by nomination time. 

But of course I stopped, because in any other year since 2004, the Oscars would be over by now, and our traditional family movie-going, dinners, and getaway only a pleasant memory as our thoughts turned to Spring Break and beyond. And obviously there's no question that this year is not just any year. 

So I took another look at the list with appreciation for those few good movies I'd seen and the promise of all the ones I would see between now and April 25, when I win the family Oscar pool! (Because why not? It's been a crazy year.)


  1. No time like the present. Plus, streaming powers might bring many releases within your reach, though perhaps not with the full majesty of a cinematic screen. Happy viewing!

  2. You will find your ritual again, I'm sure of it!

  3. That sounds like a nice ritual. Sounds like you will have a new ritual between Now and April 25th. Happy viewing!

  4. We also have a lot of movies to watch! Oscar time is when Ryan and I usually run into you at the AMC- on the same mission. :) I guess this year we'll be trying to find ways to stream from home. We watched Promising Young Woman last weekend and loved it.

  5. Yet another family tradition upended in the short term. With Spring Break looming, I believe you will find your groove. Nominee Release Day is clearly not enough of a thing for me, since I didn’t even realize it is late this year!
