Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Nous Allons Voyager

My 7th grade niece is taking French I this year, a class which is, as her teacher frequently reminds her, a year-long course. My niece is also a distance learner, and learning a completely new language virtually has been a bit of a challenge. Fortunately, both Heidi and I took French in high school, and so we have volunteered to do some zoom tutoring. 

Personally, I am thrilled by how much of the language I have retained all these years later. Despite struggling to recall where I left my keys and wallet 2 minutes ago, French verb conjugations, nouns (along with their feminine and masculine articles) and prepositions all roll off my tongue without a second thought.

Back when I was learning French, having the privilege to travel made learning the language very relevant. Although I never considered myself a fluent speaker, you bet I could read and understand enough to get myself around Paris and Geneva. But my niece is stuck in Atlanta, and when her year-long course began in August, the prospect of traveling anywhere was dismal at best. 

Even so, with every assignment we do together, I get a hankering to go and speak French somewhere. Montreal and Quebec, perhaps? Surely Canada won't keep us out forever! Maybe this summer (or next?) the three of us can pack our bags and head north.

 Comment dit-on ROAD TRIP?


  1. Tres bien! Oh how fun it would be to travel somewhere and practice your additional language! Allons-y!

  2. She is very fortunate to have two aunties who can tutor her. Magnifique!

  3. Delightful read! Will and I are considering Duolingo for French this summer. I would be reviving my high school French as well. (He is becoming very interested in his Canadian heritage, and wants to to see more of Canada as well.)

  4. My favorite line, "Surely Canada won't keep us out forever..." That made me laugh out loud, for so many reasons. Love Montreal and Quebec - totally recommend.
