Monday, May 3, 2021

Spot the Kitty

Lucy loves to play Spot the Kitty on every walk, and truth be told, her exceptional sniffer makes her very competitive. She's also a smartie pants and a tad bit obsessive, so once she's seen a cat in a particular location, she's sure it will be there again. 

It can make for a frustrating walk, but often she's right, and there are a certain pair of black cats that seem to be in on the game. Every time we pass their house, they are lounging in a new place. One day it was the planters by the stoop, another day on the chairs against the fence, and today it was on top of the rolling trash cans at the top of the driveway. 

They are so ninja, that I doubt we would have ever see them if it weren't for Lucy: she raises her nose and strains at the leash until we spot them. "Good girl!" we tell her. "You found the kitties!" 

And then she's perfectly happy to continue on our way.

1 comment:

  1. Why am I picturing those mischievous Siamese cats from Lady and the Tramp?
