Thursday, May 13, 2021

Come What May

As we putter on in to the final weeks of the school year, We are offering our students a choice of mini-projects to demonstrate what they have learned this year. One of the options is a tried-and-true assignment: a letter to the future you. As part of the planning process students fill out an outline with all sorts of questions to help them think about who they are now and who they might be when they open this letter. Reading through their replies is always a joy-- they are so funny and honest, and I am always reminded of why I have chosen to spend so many years in the company of tweens. 

The last question is What are some words of wisdom you have for yourself?

Only a handful of kids have completed this part so far, but here are their unedited thoughts:

Study hard because I'm coming for you

Know what’s weird? Day by day, nothing seems to change. But pretty soon, everything will change. (Bill Wattersom) 

 you are powerful beyond measure 

 Me, I want you to remember to keep your love of learning, learn math, and I want you to remember that whenever times are hard, I want you to go out for fresh air and spend time with those we love. You are UNIQUE!

if live gives you lemons throw them at somebody cause why do you want lemons the only thing i can think of that lemons are good for is steak and there is better stuff to put on steak and limes are better cause they can be used for more things 

 I hope that I’m still the one who helps out my friends with my listening and advice. 

 You learn more from failure than from success... 

 “Hard work means nothing if you don’t believe in yourself” 

 Dont do anything stupid

1 comment:

  1. Throw the lemons at somebody. That kills me! So funny!
