Saturday, May 22, 2021


The second day of the millionaire question did not go like the first. Most of these students wanted stuff, all the stuff, or even more money, and spending for college was a rare consideration. Of course, there was the random awesome reply like buy a tarantula ranch or have my own Chipotle, and one student said he just didn't think it was right for anyone to have a million dollars. And I guess that was kind of the crux of the situation-- 12 year old kids don't really have any idea what a million dollars is, even the brightest of them. Take for instance this exchange:

Student: Tax evasion.

Me: What do you mean?

Him: All millionaires evade taxes. 

Me: No they don't. 

Him: How do you know?

Me: There are a lot more people who have a million dollars than you might think. Especially here where real estate is so valuable.

Him: If it's so easy to be a millionaire, then how come you aren't one?

Audible gasps from the other students both on the call and in the room.

Me: How do you know I'm not?

Other students: Oooooooooooh (Now there's a sound I haven't heard in a year or so.)

Him: You're a teacher. Teachers can't be millionaires.

Me; Oh, we can, too. Now what would you buy with that million bucks?

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