Friday, May 21, 2021

Finding Us Working

Inspiration exists, but it must find you working. ~Pablo Picasso

Anyone who teaches young writers has heard the complaints: I don't have anything to write about. Nothing ever happened to me. My life is not exciting.

Sometimes, kids are so committed to the notion that they have nothing to say that it's nearly impossible to help them find inspiration and meaning in their experiences, but usually it only takes a conversation or two to guide them toward a topic. 

That's kind of how it was today, and I heard a few great stories from my students as they worked. One boy told me that when his mother was a kid, her father was stationed in Taiwan and couldn't be with the family for Christmas. So he made a cassette recording of himself reading The Night Before Christmas which was a tradition for them. To this day, the family still listens to that recording when they get together at the holidays. "I never even met my grandfather," the boy told me, "but I hear his voice every year."

Another student was stuck for an idea until we started talking about spirit days in school. Then she remembered the time in kindergarten when she got her days mixed up and was the only one who went to school with crazy hair. To her credit, she could laugh about it, but she's always very careful about her spirit days now.

And then there was the kid who told me he was starting a new trend. "What do you mean?" I asked and he pointed to the floor. He was wearing his shoes on the wrong feet. "Why would you do that?" I asked him.

"I like it!" he told me.

I could see his big toes poking the sides of his shoes. "Isn't it uncomfortable?" I said.

"Only if you can't take a little tightness," he replied, "but it's worth it to be different."

"Can I write about that?" another student asked.

1 comment:

  1. These snippets are golden! I love that you’ve found wiring inspiration in their writing inspirations.
