Wednesday, February 17, 2021


In anticipation of taking a dive into conflict with the young fiction writers in my class, today the intro question was What is something you hate to do? Most of the kids were quick to answer: dishes, chores, cleaning my room, homework, stepping on my little brother's legos, and so forth. 

But one student, who is usually quick and earnest on the Chat Snap was silent. "I can't think of anything," she unmuted to report.

"Nothing?!" I asked, mugging for the camera with wide eyes and exaggerated double take.

"Yeah," she confirmed, "I don't hate anything."

This kid is awfully sweet, and I kind of believed her. Or at least I believed that she believed it. "Do you have any pets?" I asked.

"We're getting a dog soon," she said.

"Well," I told her, "I think you might hate picking up dog poop. I do!" I paused to think. "What about chores?"

"I like chores!" she replied in a very credible tone.

"You are amazing!" I said. "I love your positivity! What about exercise? Burpees? Donkey Kicks?"

"I don't mind any exercise, except push-ups," she answered.

"Do you hate push-ups?" I asked.

"Yeah," she admitted.

"Well, put it in the chat!" I told her with false cheer, because rather than experiencing that satisfaction that accompanies talking another writer through the process to dig deep and find some inner truth, instead I felt kind of bad for forcing a sunny little kid to admit to some inner shade.

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