Sunday, January 10, 2021


"You should put that on the clicker," Heidi said to our friend Sarah when her dog Beckett sneezed.

"I know!" Sarah answered, "It's one of the hardest things to teach a dog to do on command, because you have to catch them sneezing."

Just then Beckett sneezed again. Heidi whipped out her clicker and gave him a treat. When he sneezed the next time, Heidi clicked and treated him. 

"We could never teach Lucy that," I noted. "I've never even heard her sneeze."

Beckett sneezed again. Heidi clicked and treated him. Lucy was watching intently. She looked at him and looked at Heidi and sneezed!

"What?" I laughed.

Heidi clicked and treated her. 

Lucy sneezed again.

"Yay!" I cheered, but I honestly couldn't believe it. 

"She knows what the clicker is," Heidi explained, "and she wants the treats."

Since then? They have been working on the trick, and although it is still inconsistent, Lucy does, occasionally, sneeze on command.

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