Monday, March 4, 2019

The Nose Knows

I know I've written before about my dog Lucy and her amazing sniffer, but this blog is called Walking the Dog for a reason!

Maybe it was getting up at 5:30 am after a 3-day weekend, or maybe it was the weevils I found in my black-eyed peas when I put them in some water to soak, but whatever the reason, I was behind in my morning routine today when I stepped out the door to take Lucy for a quick walk. We powered our way to the back hill where she usually does her business, and I was relieved when she started the little leash-dance that means it's time to get out the bag.

All of sudden, though, her nose flew in the air and began to urgently sniff some invisible odor wafting above. A quick pivot to her right and she was dragging me with all her might across the hill and toward the pool. We're a Dog Whisperer household, and such behavior is never permissible, so a quick yank on the leash brought her to a stop. Even as she sat, I could see her leaning in the direction she really, really, really, REALLY, wanted to go, and so I gave her the "OK" and prepared to follow, quickly, so she


Over the hill and up the steps we traipsed until finally we made it to the cedar fence that houses the pool utility shed. Preparing to round the corner, I wondered what we would find.
A cat?
A raccoon?
A fox?
A deer?

With a last mighty jerk on the leash, Lucy and I burst onto the unmown grassy strip that runs along the retaining wall behind the pool deck and saw...

Our neighbor Lauren and her dog, Lady, two of Lucy's dearest friends. "You found our secret pooping spot!" Lauren said, recovering nicely from the shock of our entrance. A couple of wagging tails and one very satisfied goldendoodle later, we headed home, still running late, but not really minding as much.


  1. You have great suspense in this post. The stakes weren't even that high, but I wanted to know what she was going to find! And the end satisfied me!!! Great slice.

  2. Sometimes you just have to give in to the nose. I love this description of her undying determination.

  3. I started reading more quickly as your story moved on. Oh to live like a dog...everyone is a best friend. They can even sniff them out when they aren't in plain sight.
