Friday, March 29, 2019

In Kid Years

Sometimes I think that middle school time is a little like dog years-- two months equals at least six. It only makes mathematical sense: when you're eleven or twelve, a couple of months represents a big chunk of your life so far, percentage-wise.

I was reminded of this chronological curiosity this morning. The intern who has been working with my class since January was out, so I cracked my instructional knuckles and stepped to the front of the room.

"Where's Ms. W?" the students asked in alarm.

"Her son had an assembly at his school," I said. "She'll be here later." Then I ran through the announcements, read the mentor text, and taught the mini-lesson. As the class was transitioning to workshop time, I circulated through the room checking individual progress and answering questions.

"You're a pretty good teacher, too," one of the kids told me.


  1. High praise from a middle schooler.

  2. Too funny, but also very kind. I'm glad they appreciate both of you.

  3. I love that you are able to share you class wholly with your student teacher. I think that is truly hard sometimes. Obviously, it's because "you're a pretty good teacher..." :)
