Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Prop Masters

When you're shooting commercials on a shoestring budget, creativity is a must-have. That's one lesson I hope my students learned today as they worked on their media literacy group projects.

"We need cheese!" one group said.

"How about construction paper?" I asked.

"We want it 3D," they replied.

In the absence of any immediate cheese source, I showed them how to sketch a wedge, double it and add tabs to cut out and fold into mock cheddar. Next it was mouse ears, and over the course of the day our construction paper portfolio grew to include life-size fairywings, 2 mustaches, a chef's hat, and 4 giant crab claws.

These last were my favorite. I think you can see why:


  1. Don't they say necessity is the mother of invention? Love how you and your students problem solved. The crab dance could become a thing!

  2. I bet it's a Fortnite dance.

  3. Hand-crafted props. This is truly one my favorite part of teaching.
