Thursday, March 8, 2018

Ask a Librarian

A student walked into after-school study hall in the library this afternoon with an open can of Coke in his hand and sauntered over to a table near where I was sitting. His confidence momentarily disarmed me. Have they changed the rules since the last time I was here? I wondered. It really hadn't been that long, but I guessed anything was possible.

"Are you allowed to have soda in the library?" I asked him, with genuine curiosity. Even though I have worked in the same school for 25 years, it was well within the realm of possibility that I could be out of the know.

He looked a little confused. "I think so."

I raised my eyebrows and shrugged in an exaggerated I-don't-know-about-that kind of a way. "You better check with them." I pointed at our pair of librarians, primly seated side by side, at a table near the checkout desk.

To his credit, he went right over. "Can I have this in here?" he asked, hoisting the can.

The alarm on their faces confirmed my suspicion (and made me giggle).

"No!" said the first.

"Not with all the books and the computers!" added the second.

I couldn't see his face, but it must have been filled with dismay.

"Sorry," they told him, gently, in unison.

He tossed the can in the trash and came back my way. "You were right," he sighed.

"Yep," I nodded. "Let me know if you need any help on your homework"


  1. A couple of years ago, we started allowing the students to bring food and drink into the library. I know that I am not so sure about it, but so many of the students seem to enjoy eating in the library.

  2. Oh man! I bet the student was pretty bummed when he had to toss his can of Coke. It's kind of funny how both librarians reacted the same way and answered at the same time!

  3. Hahaha! It's just funny how some people just know the obvious things (like, no soda in the library), and other people need to be told! Is that learning the hard way or what? Great post, I was right there in the room with you!

  4. That’s very sweet. He dealt with that news well. And now he knows who to ask.
