Friday, March 16, 2018

Shhhh! Top Secret

So this week I have continued posting a little puzzle or task in our class writing challenge to encourage more kids to take a closer look and read through some of the posts. The reward has been a Jolly Rancher for any who successfully answer the question.

Yesterday I posed the following: Hello students! It's time for our next JoRaCha. That's it! Using the above form of abbreviation, hand me a slip of paper with your *secret* name.

I was thinking along the lines of NaNoWriMo or HeLa cells, creating an abbreviation by using the first consonant(s) and vowel of the word to stand in for it, and lots of kids were able to figure it out. It was all good until NoBe, BeLa, and ElDa decided to decipher my secret name. They were giggling so loudly at their table that I stepped over. "What's so funny?"

"You!" one said. "Your secret name is TraSh!"

"No!" I said, "You have to add the 'e' at the end!"

"Maybe the 'e' is silent!" another teased.

"Or else your name is TraShe!" said the third added, pronouncing the second syllable. "Would you rather be trash or trashy?"

They had me there-- I began to laugh right along with them. "That's Ms. TraShe to you! Good thing it's my secret name!" I said.


  1. This reminds me a little of "the pocket"!

  2. Hysterical. I can see them teasing you this way - and feeling that connection that can be so powerful.
