Monday, March 18, 2024

There's a Word for That

"No games on your iPad," I reminded a sixth-grade student returning from lunch. She was walking down the hall with her nose practically glued to the screen.

"I just had to finish something," she shrugged and snapped her case shut.

"Let me guess--" I responded. "Was it a... game? Because those aren't allowed."

"Yes," she admitted, "but do you have to be so condescending?"

"Great adjective!" I laughed. "Do you have to be such a scofflaw?"

"I'll let you know," she said, "when I find out what it means."


  1. Oh...a sassy 6th-grader. I could hear the eye-roll! Loved the dialogue. I wonder if she will look up scofflaw tonight. :)

  2. You captured a great moment in your slice. I can already imagine her retort when she comes into your classroom tomorrow.
