Monday, March 4, 2024


In a light-hearted attempt to re-introduce the topic of editing for correct punctuation, today I asked the sixth-graders in my English classes what their favorite punctuation mark was. 

The results of my poll were unexpected. The question mark was very popular not only because many of these young writers consider themselves curious, but also because of its fun shape. The exclamation mark was shouted out for excitement, which was emphatically its greatest strength. Some loved the comma for its ability to join things clearly, and others appreciated the ellipsis for its mystery and promise of more to come. A good number recognized the period as the workhorse of punctuation it is, even while they acknowledged that it wasn't very exciting.

The semicolon had one fan whose reason was "because nobody knows how it is used, and whenever I see it in the wild I feel fancy."

"I love the semicolon; I use it all the time," I replied.


  1. Spoken lie a true English teacher.

  2. This is so delightful. I am tempted to ask my 4th graders this, but I also know that I'm still struggling to get them to use periods at the end of sentences, so perhaps it wouldn't be as delightful as this.
    I adore the ellipsis myself. (Although if I had to be defined as a punctuation mark, I know that deep down, I am an exclamation mark with no chill.)

  3. I adore this post- everything from the poll to the quotes. Semicolons “in the wild” and feeling “fancy” made me smile.

  4. Period! I’m surprised it wasn’t more popular because of how it’s used as a mic drop nowadays.

  5. I, personally, have always been enamored with curly brackets. I had to search up what to call those pretty brackets that seasoned teachers draw with such grace. Is it me, or does a temporary hush fall over the classroom when you draw them on the board?
