Sunday, March 17, 2024

Mysterious Mouse

I opened my eyes this morning and spied something odd on the floor. I poked my spouse. "Did you give the cats some kind of hyper-realistic mouse toy last night?" I asked.

The answer was no, and so that really was a dead mouse on the carpet. As I examined its lifeless body, gathering the energy to rise and dispose of it, I remembered one of our cats jumping excitedly on the bed the night before, leaping from one of us to the other. I had given her a dismissive pat and shooed her away so that I could slumber on.

I saw the same cat, Tibby, looking now upon the dead mouse from the bathroom with what I took as a satisfied expression. Just then, her partner, Milo, approached from the other side of the bed. He literally jumped straight up in the air when he saw the mouse and made a hasty retreat. In a moment he prowled carefully closer to sniff the poor thing. Milo kept looking from the mouse to Tibby, clearly asking her how this could possibly have happened.

I'd like to know the same thing! We've lived in our house for 25 years, and this is only the second mouse we've ever seen. Always having a cat or two might explain how we keep the place rodent-free, but where did this dumb mouse come from? How did it get in? Should we be concerned that there will be others?

Only Tibby knows, and she's not talking.


  1. LOL to your last line!! I thought I'd get answers by the end about where the mouse came from - I'd be mortified!!! Fingers crossed that it was the second...and last.

  2. I love this brief tale of the night mystery. I love Milo's response and your wondering about what now. The conclusion is spot on perfect! Great slice!

  3. long was it in your bed? EEK!

  4. Call the psychic. She'll come with a forensic report and Tibby's confession, I'm sure.

  5. It’s always so unsettling to have a mouse in the house. Fingers crossed the cats keep the rest at bay!
