Monday, March 11, 2024

Not Even Close

I read somewhere that today, the Monday after DST begins, is National Napping Day, which makes sense, even though I'm not really a napper. I do hate Daylight Savings Time, though, as almost anyone who knows me can verify.

This year, I didn't even have to go to work today. Many of my friends congratulated me on having the luck to be out of town for a family gathering on the shortest weekend of the year. "Maybe when you get back on Tuesday, losing an hour won't bother you at all," they said.

I was skeptical.

And as it turns out, staying up late playing games with your nephews because your body thinks it's an hour earlier, and then getting up to pack the rental house, load the car, drive home, unload the car, unpack, and then sit down to catch up on schoolwork is not really an ideal way to ease into the time change.

In fact, I almost took a nap.


  1. Sounds like you need another day off.

  2. I agree with Mary! Like how you connected trivia about napping in this post.

  3. Ha ha, such a good example of needing a vacation after your vacation. Your list of all you did that night before was really effective, I feel exhausted reading it. But I’ll bet your nephews appreciate you!
