Saturday, September 17, 2022


Lucy wanted to go out first thing this morning, and since she has had bad belly, I thought it would be best to accommodate her. So the minute my feet the bottom step, I clipped on her collar and leash, grabbed a bag, and headed out into the cool and sunny morning. But once we were out there, she showed no interest in anything other than smelling the pavement of the parking lot. 

Who knows what critters roam there at night? Well, I guess Lucy has a good idea, but that is not what we were out there for, and her stubborn pulling toward invisible objectives made me irritable. It wasn't long before we ran into a neighbor with her dog, and then another, both of whom Lucy wanted to jump on before she wrestled their dogs to the ground. 

The second person was very chatty, and I found myself glazing over a bit as she ran through the surgeries, renovations, and repairs that she and her family had faced over the last couple of months. I was finally able to extricate myself from the conversation by reminding her that we would meet again tomorrow at the annual doggie dip, which is always held on the last day of the pool season in our complex. 

And then, Lucy continued to refuse to relieve herself. Instead she yanked me to still more random locations throughout the community, until I finally realized that my aggravation probably had a lot to do with the fact that I hadn't had my coffee yet, and so determined that she could damn well shit later.

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