Wednesday, September 28, 2022

No Sick Day Here

I've lost my voice, but with no fever and a series of negative COVID tests, I've chosen to report to work anyway. Part of the problem is the difficulty and inconvenience of making sub plans with productive activities. Unless I'm here to lead the lesson, it's hard to move very far forward or keep up with the other sixth grade teachers. 

Oh, sure, I know that there are times when taking off is unavoidable, but I'm worried that a positive COVID test, along with the mandatory 5 days out, is inevitable at some point this year, and so I decided to slog through the day. My throat is dry, though, and I had a couple of embarrassing coughing spells when I had to talk too much. For the most part, the kids have been pretty good, but my last class of the day was a little rambunctious. 

"Listen," I said, "I'm losing my voice and I'm losing my patience. One of those we can't do anything about, but the other? You and I have equal control over. What's it going to be?"

Bless their hearts? It wasn't pretty, but we made it to lunch with only a few hoarse redirections from me.

1 comment:

  1. Tracey- I hope the hoarseness was from singing Captain Fantastic too loudly!
