Saturday, August 14, 2021

The Wave

For 15 years or so, our second car was a Jeep Wrangler. Really, the navy blue soft-top with flower magnets all over it was Heidi's car; she always wanted a Jeep, and although we used it sparingly, it was fun when we put the top down, turned the radio up, and blasted around town. Heidi did most of the driving, which was fine, because whenever I drove? I could never remember to do the Jeep wave.

For those who are unfamiliar, the Jeep wave is a real thing. Whenever one Jeep passes another, the drivers acknowledge each other, usually by nothing more than lifting the fingers of their right hand off the steering wheel. Now that you know, look around, you'll see Jeep drivers waving everywhere. But that didn't happen much when I was the driver, despite Heidi's frequent reminders. Half the time I don't think it even registered with me that I was driving a Jeep, much less notice other Jeeps coming my way.

No, I am a Subaru driver; I have been for the last 20 years, and I do actually notice other Subarus on the road. Back when we still had the Jeep, I used to tell Heidi that I was going to start a Subaru wave, because after all? Subarus are equally cool, right?

We revisited that conversation this afternoon as we rolled out of our complex in our Subaru to do a few errands. At the bottom of the hill we passed some neighbors returning home in their own Outback, and I waved as they passed. 

"Was that the Subaru wave?" Heidi asked.

"No," I answered, "it was Mike and Charlene."

"Is there a Subaru wave?" Heidi responded.

"No," I told her. "Remember? I was going to start one."

"That's right!" She laughed. "What was that going to look like again?"

"Something like," I rolled my right wrist forward three or four times, "Whoop dee doo for my Subaru!"

Heidi laughed again. "That's pretty good."

"I can't take credit for the slogan," I said. "Don't you remember that old commercial?"

She did not, and so when we stopped for gas, I googled it. Midas Mufflers, 1978: they were offering the same guarantee for "foreign cars" as they did for American cars, and the owners of these alien vehicles cheered. 

It's a great day for my Datsun.

a triumph for my Triumph

a victory for my Volvo

and of course the old lady in white gloves and hat who brings it home at the end

Whoop dee doo for my Subaru!

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