Wednesday, September 2, 2020

A Tale of Three Families

Three of our neighbors have school-aged children. One family is sending their daughter to private school, because they fear that she is regressing by not interacting with her peers to learn. The next family is keeping their daughter enrolled in our public schools, despite their dissatisfaction with the way her first grade teacher handled distance learning in the spring. Even though teachers received guidance to keep our instruction asynchronous, some of our colleagues organized a lot more in-person sessions than others, which led to perhaps unfair comparisons. The third family has let us know that although they are "fully committed" to our district schools, many of their friends are either choosing private school or full-on homeschooling, because "if their kids are going to be at home, they can at least control the schedule and curriculum that way."

Obviously? We are not all in this together.

1 comment:

  1. I hear that. Sometimes it seems we're in it together until the s*** gets real.
