Tuesday, September 3, 2019


In all my years of teaching so far, last year was definitely the toughest. A combination of large class sizes and many high-need students really kept us on our toes. Some days were definitely more challenging than others, but I tried to stay positive. These kids are making me a better teacher, I said to anyone who would listen, and I meant it.

A few years ago, I lost a lot of weight. I had put on the pounds gradually in my forties and early fifties, and a combination of calorie counting and extra activity helped me shed the extra weight over a year and a half. That summer, I was amazed at how much energy I had and how easy anything physical seemed. It was like I was skipping and sliding through every day.

After one day, this school year? Seems like that summer. Smaller classes and kids who seem a bit quieter made me feel like super teacher today. I could move through the room, reach every student, pivot when something wasn't quite right, and it all seemed effortless.

I have kept the weight I lost off, but everything isn't as light and easy as it was when I first lost it. I'm sure there will come a point in this year, too, when I feel the full weight of being the teacher that each student in my class needs and deserves. But for now? I'm enjoying the glide.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great start! Maybe it's time to relearn the Electric Slide.
