Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Means and Ends

Our staff meeting today involved walking around, doing math activities, pairing up with a stranger, answering random questions, and then describing the math experience.

Oh, I did fine. I played Challenge 24 for a little while, high-fived the first person I made eye contact with (who happened to be the new social worker), and told her that, as an introvert, I would prefer to be rich with no friends rather than poor with lots of friends. She raised an eyebrow at that, but I got her back when we had to talk about our math experience.

"I didn't do it," she confessed.

"You better have a good reason!" I mock scolded her, and we laughed.

"I actually do," she said.

"Let's hear it! We have 30 seconds to kill!" I joked.

She told me about an undocumented parent whose child, a student at our school, is quite ill. This mom doesn't have insurance and was seeking help. "She's not eligible for anything because she's undocumented," she finished.

"What about the kid?" I asked. "Isn't he or she a citizen?"

Her eyes lit up. "My gosh!" she said. "That might be the answer. Although, the way things are now, if Mom's applying for documentation, she can't have any record of social services."

Right then, time was up, and we were told to high five each other again, say how amazing we were, and return to our seats.

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