Monday, September 9, 2019

Protective Gear

I'm not one who chooses her clothes the night before. Sort of like menu planning, I prefer to check the weather and see how I feel when it comes time to dress. Lately my strategy hasn't been as quick and easy as it once was. Perhaps the beginning of the school year with its different wardrobe considerations has thrown me off; perhaps the unfamiliarity of these cooler weather clothes I haven't worn all summer presents a challenge.

Whatever it might be, when I dressed in a pair of gray ankle-length chinos and a black t-shirt this morning, the issue of shoes was the problem. My Vans and sneakers looked odd, and I didn't care for the topsiders either. In exasperation I slipped on my flip flops which looked perfectly at home after a summer spent between my toes. I hesitated, because I don't usually wear them to school, but time was ticking and so I clip-clapped down the stairs and into my day.

It just so happened to be locker issue day, and so I found myself crammed into a narrow hallway with a a hundred sixth graders trying to get to their narrow little lockers and spin those combinations for the first time. In their eagerness, at least 5 kids trod heavily on my flip-flopped feet. A little while later there was a fire drill, and my unprotected toes were stepped on again and then again in the crush of kids in a ridiculously small evacuation area.

Tomorrow is picture day, and although I don't know exactly what I'm going to wear, you can bet my feet will be covered.

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