Friday, September 27, 2019

Feedback Loop

On the eve of spending part of my weekend grading the first big assignment of the year, my fellow-teacher Mary and I spent a little time looking at the feedback we had received on a unit submitted (not by our choice) to a prestigious international educational organization.

Of the three ratings in each category-- beginning, using, and sharing-- we had gotten an even split between the lowest and the middle. In other words, according to someone somewhere, our unit needed some work. Whoever had evaluated it had written well over 1000 words of advice and suggestions, but to us? Rather than a road map to revision, the prose was convoluted and confusing. Plus, we have no real interest in fixing whatever they think is broke, maybe because the planner is a shadow of what we actually do in the classroom, written during time when we think we have more student-related things to do.

All of this is to say that extensive comments are a waste of time unless the writer values first, the task, and second, the reviewer, a truth I'll keep in mind as I offer my own thoughts to my students this weekend.

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