Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Sticking to the Plan

Today was the day when the young journalists in my class conducted their first interviews for the personal profile piece they will write. In classes where there are an odd number of students or an absence, someone has to interview me, so that happened 4 times today. 

Before they begin, I explain that an interview is more of a conversation than an interrogation and that it's essential to listen to the answers and perhaps even diverge from the planned list of questions, especially if the subject says something interesting. Despite modeling and examples, it seems as if that's a hard lesson to learn, though, especially if you are interviewing your teacher. 

That must be why I had several interactions today that went something like this:

Reporter: Where did you go to high school?
Me: Switzerland!
Reporter: How tall are you?

Or this:

Reporter: Have you traveled a lot?
Me: Well, I've been to 48 states and 20 countries.
Reporter: Do you have a nickname?

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