Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Who's Watching?

We're halfway through the SOLSC and my students are still writing up a storm. They are writing and replying at a rate of over 150 posts per day. I'm thrilled, of course, but predictably, there have been some inappropriate comments in the 2384 I've read in the last couple of weeks. Some I've responded to in writing, others I've deleted right away, still others I've addressed personally with the students.

Tonight, I came across a comment that was followed by a parenthetical question addressed to me-- You wouldn't cyber-scold me for this, would you, Miss?

It's sort of humorous, really, the way they always assume I'm online and reading what they are writing, but that's exactly the vibe I'm going for. I want them to consciously consider their audience and deliberately write with us in mind.

(Click here for today's sample of my 6th grade students' response to the 2011 SOLSC challenge.)


  1. Ha! Cyber-scold...I love that term.

    It really does make a difference when you believe you have an audience! I have found that to be so true with my own blog - I am often thinking about the audience.

  2. Love it...now if we could only keep an eye on them all the time. Cyber-scolding....that may need to go in my Writer's notebook.

  3. Audience does make a difference. Comments are critical to continuing. Imagine the disappointment if you wrote and no one commented. Did the comment need a cyber-scold?

  4. We just talked about this at MRA - that we have a responsibility to teach our students about the purpose and audience that occurs when you are on-line.

    Congrats for your kids to see that they have a real audience!!!
