Sunday, February 12, 2023

The Show

What can I say about the crowd at Jerry Seinfeld's sold-out show last night? Like us, they were mostly over 50 and white. The exceptions were teenagers with their parents and white guys in their 30s who, if overheard conversations can be any measure, work for Republicans on the Hill. (And Wolf Blitzer was definitely there, too.)

And what can I say about the venue? The lines moved quickly, security was efficient, the staff was helpful, but the seats were underwhelming folding chairs, slightly padded but packed verrrry closely together.

How about the show itself?  Well, Seinfeld was funny, but not hilarious, with a much more animated style than I expected, especially given the deadpan persona of his television show.This Jerry Seinfeld grabbed the mic from its stand and paced and grimaced and gestured for the entire show. The stool on the stage was merely to hold his water.

In the end? Seinfeld is a rich, white, heterosexual dude in his late 60s, so the jokes about growing up in the 60s and 70s and even raising kids, kind of landed with us two married, white middle aged teacher ladies, but we probably didn't connect with about half of his material. 

Even so, there we were. And honestly, I don't regret a moment.

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