Tuesday, June 21, 2022

The Good Wife

As a rule, Heidi hates to garden. The fact that bugs and dirt freak her out is a big part of it, and over the years that we have had our community plot, I've tried to minimize her involvement as much as possible. She's a really good wife, though, and she almost always volunteers to do the community parts of having the garden, the meetings and work days especially. 

And three years ago when my mom was sick and I needed to leave for Minnesota as soon as school was out, she put together a crew of friends and family and got the garden, which I had neglected somewhat that season, into amazing shape, so that I could enjoy it all summer without worrying. She presented the results of her labor as a birthday gift that year, and it was definitely one of the best I've ever received. 

This morning, on the first day of summer break when our cleaning lady was scheduled to work, we discussed what we could do for a few hours starting at 8 a.m. "I guess I can go up to the garden," I said. I want to get it ready for us to be out of town. Maybe you can do something with Lucy?"

"What do you need to do at the garden?" Heidi asked.

"Weed and mulch," I told her.

"I don't want to weed," she said, "but I'll mulch."

"You don't have to," I replied.

"Take my offer while you can and before I regret it!" she laughed.

And I did, and after three hours? The garden looks awesome!

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