Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Crunching the Numbers

It's a blessing to have eleven family members all in one house on vacation, but coordinating logistics, such as where to go and when to leave, what to eat and whose to cook, can be challenging, especially with a group who range so widely in age. Statistically it might seem overwhelming, but I think we're doing just fine.


Just dig a little deeper into the data. The median? That's Emily 2, and the mode is Treat and Josh, both the same age. The smallest is Annabelle, and the largest is me. Sure, there are 46 years that separate our ages, but in between there is Emily, Bill, Courtney, Heidi, Emily, Victor, Treat, Josh, and Nadika, and a whole lot of love and mutual respect. 

And that's no mean thing.

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