Thursday, June 23, 2022

Now and Then

Josh arrived this morning on a red-eye flight from Denver. He's here to road-trip up to Maine with us and join the big celebration for my birthday next week. Tired, but hungry, he opted to go out to breakfast before coming home for a nap. Of course we went to B&Es, the diner we've been taking him to all his life. As the three of us settled into our booths, Heidi and I hardly needed to look at the menu, but Josh took a minute. 

"Don't you want a milkshake to go with that?" I teased him, after he ordered scrambled eggs, sausage, and grits.

"Did I used to get that?" he asked.

"Yeah," I laughed, "and then you never ate your breakfast."

"Why did you guys let me do that?" He shook his head.

"It was fun, and you were on vacation," I told him.

"And because you wanted it, and we loved you!" Heidi added.

"I guess you did spoil me," he said, "but it seems to have worked out fine."

1 comment:

  1. Everyone needs someone in their life who will spoil them! (Joanne)
