Monday, October 19, 2020

Teacher as Writer

I always tell my students the more you write, the easier it gets. Some times that is more true than others. Like tonight, when I was trying to finish my lesson plan for tomorrow, and I realized I didn't have an example of what I wanted my students to do. So I pulled out my trusty writing notebook, looked over the resources, and composed three quick leads for a personal memoir that I may or may not actually write. I guess it depends how the lessons go!

Anyhow, here are my three leads: 


Snapshot Character:

The baby sitter was not stupid, and she was only trying to be nice when she asked me if there was anything she could get me to drink.



"Can I have some tea?" I asked the babysitter.

She looked surprised. "You drink tea?"

"Oh yeah," I told her. "All the time."



Something looks a little weird about that tea, I thought. But what did I know? I had never had tea before.

To be honest? That did not take very long. I may need another activity for the lesson!

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