Thursday, October 29, 2020

Letting out all the Cold

The other thing I did with my homeroom yesterday was to take a NYTimes quiz. The premise of the challenge was to look at a series of photos of the inside of refrigerators and guess whether they belonged to Trump voters or Biden voters.  

Every few pictures you are asked to click on one item in the refrigerator that influenced your guess. At the bottom of the quiz there is data about the items that were most frequently associated with correct and incorrect guesses. 

The whole feature was fascinating to me and to several of my students. Beyond the voyeuristic curiosity of looking into a stranger's refrigerator, it was an interesting way to reframe our ideas about other voters with whom we broadly agree or disagree politically. 

I would never draw any but the most general conclusions from the pictures, but those refrigerators did remind me that I have some things in common with people I disagree with, and that is a slippery idea to hang on to in these polarized times. At the very least, we all have to eat.

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