Sunday, February 2, 2020

Scheduling Conflict

Every year, when we put away our Christmas decorations and return to work, our cold, dark winter mornings and evenings are lit by the glow of knowing that when the weekend comes we will meet my brother, and sister-in-law, and as many nephews as are around to see a movie and go out for a nice meal. We gather on those January and February Saturdays and Sundays to get ready for the Oscars. It's our tradition to see as many of the nominated performances and films as we can, and then go away for a long weekend together to shop, beach comb, cook, eat, drink and bet on the awards. It's like a little holiday that bridges winter into spring and gives us an excuse to spend some extra time together.

This year, instead of being in late February or even March, the Academy Awards are being presented next weekend, and in addition to making it really hard to see all the nominated movies and performances, the timing has made it impossible for us to have our annual weekend away.

Why, Oscars, why? 

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