Saturday, February 8, 2020

Planning Ahead

It was a cheerless crew of three that blinked the movie theater darkness away in the bright early afternoon light. It had been Emily's preference to go to the movies early and have the rest of the day free, and so she, Heidi, and I had arrived a little before ten a.m. to catch the first show of the day of the Oscar-nominated documentary shorts, and the tales of children in war zones (Kabul and East St. Louis), children refugees in Sweden who are victims of Resignation Syndrome, children trapped by their obedience and drowned on a capsizing ferry in South Korea, and former young refugees finding new refuge in ballroom dancing, had left we three teachers somber and a bit doleful.

"Good thinking to come early, Emily," Heidi said. "Because now?" she continued. "We have the rest day of the to recover!

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