Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Let's Get Together and Feel All Right

They scheduled a single class period before the state tests started today. Take them outside! some suggested, but that plan is not practical if you know how large groups of sixth graders function. Coordinating 350 kids going out, coming in, sweating, getting water, panting, and using the toilet, not to mention the threatening rain, all made that plan rather unworkable.

Still, physical activity was a good idea given the fact that the students were expected to sit quietly for three hours in order to complete a 37 question test. What to do? I ended up playing some music and having the kids in my room pair up to complete quick physical challenges whenever the song was paused. I took requests and participated myself in high-fiving, jogging in place, and dancing.

We were snaking through the room in a spontaneous Reggae-conga line to Bob Marley when a colleague stopped in to pick up some printing. "It almost makes me wish I had to take the test!" she laughed.

We made eye-contact. "Naaaaah!" we said in unison.

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