Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Gee, Mrs. Cleaver

I watched my share of 50s and 60s TV when I was a kid. Back then, shows like I Love Lucy, Gilligan's Island, and I Dream of Jeannie ran in continuous loops in the afternoons. We knew their stories so well that we called them, The one with...

One show I never really watched too much was Leave it to Beaver. I don't know if it was programming or content, but it seemed like the show was never on enough to get us hooked. I could say the same about Dennis the Menace and The Donna Reed Show-- they were around, but they just weren't on when we watched.

Even so, I recognized an Eddie Haskell when I was confronted with him this morning. "Let me take a look at your reflection before you leave the call," I told one of my sixth graders near the end of class.

"Go right ahead," he answered brightly. "And may I say? I want to thank you for bringing it to my attention that my writing could use more detail! I truly never thought of that before!"

I pulled up the image of his assignment. It was a scribbly mess. "Do you need to type your work?" I asked him.

"What a great idea!" he said. "Can I have a little extra time?"

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