Monday, June 8, 2020

Just Hair

I went to the grocery store and got my hair cut today. In other times, neither of those would be big news, but these times are not those. Although I will say it is beginning to feel normal to be aware of and step away from anyone closer than six feet.

It is not beginning to feel anywhere near normal to wear a mask, however, and in the hair salon I worried as the stylist snipped around my ears, concerned that she might accidentally clip the elastic. In fact I was so preoccupied with the ear bands that I barely noticed when she nicked my neck with the straight razor, and it wasn't until the end, when she sent me out into the world with wet hair (no hair dryers allowed), and a blue bandaid on my neck, that I realized my mask was full of my own hair.

I know I wear the mask to protect others from me, but the sprinkle of fine blond hair that floated away on the wind as I uncovered my nose and mouth was a confirmation and a reminder that we all must safeguard each other.

1 comment:

  1. Who knew that "first haircut after quarantine" would be a thing?!
