Thursday, January 24, 2019

That Rascal

It's the final push for the end of the quarter, and I had one student ask if he could miss PE and electives to stay and finish his essay outline. Usually I would have encouraged him to come back after school, especially since he hadn't really used his class time productively, but he had a wrestle-off to see if he could win a spot in the meet next week. So I sent him to his teachers with a pass and a request. He was back before too long, shaking his head in mild dismay.

"What did they say?" I asked.

"What's a scoundrel?" he replied.

"Why?" I asked in return.

It turns out that his tech ed teacher dismissed him without prejudice, but his Spanish teacher was another story.

"She yelled at me!" he reported. "She said I probably didn't do my work, and she called me a scoundrel!"

"She called you that in English?" I questioned him.

"No! In Spanish!" he said.

"What word is that?" I asked.

"Sinvergüenza," he told me. "I looked it up on the way back, and it means--

"Scoundrel," we said together.

"Yeah!" he said. "What does it mean?"

"It means someone who is kind of mischievous and gets into trouble sometimes for breaking the rules."

"Oh," he shrugged. "I guess that is me."

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