Monday, January 14, 2019

Like a Good Neighbor

Heidi had an appointment to meet a friend at the gym, so I cleaned off the car and shoveled it out before 9 this morning. As the day wore on, I looked out at our quiet parking lot several times with some concern, taking mental inventory of the still-buried cars and their owners.

The Audi belonged to a young woman who lived alone upstairs with her long-haired Dachshund, Charlotte. The red Rav 4 was the family's who lived below her, a single Mom and her 7-year-old son. The blue and white Hyundais were the cars of a woman a little older than us and her disabled husband. The pair of Priuses with the handicapped hang tags belonged to our neighbor down the way with the bum knee and his wife who was recovering from a hip replacement.

Just then there was a knock on the door; another neighbor came by to borrow one of our shovels. Of course! we said, putting on our coats, too, and heading out to join her. A little less than an hour later, everyone was dug out.

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