Monday, April 30, 2018

Nows and Thens

On a day that started with the assistant principal giving a ten minute lecture to the sixth graders which consisted entirely of don'ts and or elses, the parent of a student stopped by our team meeting. He was there to sign some paperwork, but also to discuss some concerns the teachers have about his son's behavior. We spent some time problem solving and putting a few supportive strategies in place.

Even though I do not have the boy in my class, I was glad to meet his dad, because I remember when he was a student at our school. Twenty years ago he was in the most restrictive program for kids who had trouble controlling their behavior.

"You were here then?" he asked, squinting.

"Yep!" I answered cheerfully.

"The school has changed so much since then," he said.

"We have a lot new windows and classrooms," I agreed.

"Nah," he said, "I mean, everyone is so helpful now. They want my son to succeed. Back then it was all punishment, punishment, punishment." He shook his head.

We were silent for a moment.

"I guess we've all grown since then," I told him. "At least I hope so."

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